the load game submenu callback function
the callback value
the save game submenu callback function
the callback value
the determinism callback function
board editing submenu callback function
the callback value
customised computation submenu callback function
the callback value
opens the file where a game report would be appended
opens a log file displaying some initial information
the name of the log file to be created
the opening moves library submenu callback function
the callback value
the report generation submenu callback function
the callback value
the log file submenu callback function
the callback value
the difficulty description submenu callback function
the callback value
the difficulty submenu callback function
the callback value
the game mode submenu callback function
the callback value
the menu callback function
the callback value
reacts to mouse events sensibly
carries out operations when OpenGL is idle
gets the CPU to play a move when necessary
the main display loop. Called from main() to do all the drawing to the frame buffer
the reshape callback function
w and h which are the new width and height allocated to the frame by the window manager
a callback function that is invoked upon an event of a mouse move
the keyboard callback function. Invoked when a key is pressed